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FM9 Turbo in the house!

I'm extremely pleased to announce that the first couple presets packs for FM9 Turbo are finally out now!

Namely, U2 Joshua Tree Tour 2019 and Berlin Suite 2018 have just been released for firmware 3.0! You can find them here.

To celebrate the release, I'm going to offer a 10% discount on all products on the site until September 30th, using the code FM9TURBO!

I'm already in the process of optimizing a few more packs which I should be able to release before the discount deadline, so check back in the next couple weeks for more FM9 packs!


©2017 - 2021 edofaiella / edosounds

*This website is NOT affiliated with, funded, or in any way associated with Fractal Audio Systems.

All company names, label names and registered trademarks on this website are property of their owners and only used for identification and description of products.

Preset packs, backing tracks and tutorials © edofaiella / edosounds

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